Surface & Pattern

Design Show

Good day,

I regret to inform you that after careful consideration and in consultation with all parties involved, we have decided to stop organizing surface-design show Evolution-Amsterdam.

The past few years, characterized by the global pandemic and the war in Eastern Europe, have taken a toll on many exhibitors (design studios) as well as on clients. The need for designs has declined substantially while participation costs for fairs in general , have inevitably increased. More studios are wondering whether participation in a trade fair, in this form in Amsterdam, is still worthwhile. For some studios it still is, nevertheless it has become more and more difficult for us, to motivate others to participate in our show and invest in future revenues.

The last years it turned out to become a struggle to gather enough studios in order to be able to organize Evolution-Amsterdam on a healthy economic basis. The globally declining visitor numbers at shows like ours, did not help us either.We have to accept that a concept of a “stand-alone design fair ”, has apparently been overtaken by time.

Despite mutual efforts, and with great regret, we have come to the conclusion that it is time to discontinue organizing Evolution-Amsterdam in its current form.
We would like to thank all studios, clients and third parties involved for the support we have received throughout the years. Not least the customers/clients who largely contributed to the success of the fair.

New developments:

At the moment we are researching the possibility for a new design showcase concept. Our vision is to establish a dynamic platform (design-show) within or in close proximity to a major European design event  (370,000 visitors last year). As far as our information goes, a high number of clients, potentially interested in designs, visit this show.

Initial discussions with key stakeholders show great promise, although they are still in the early stages. Stay tuned for updates in September as we progress with this exciting venture.

I thank you all.

Chris Verbeek.


Spring show 2024

Tuesday June 4th 09:00 – 18:00
Wednesday June 5th 09:00 – 17:00